Since 1956, Coca-Cola Bottling Company High Country has proudly supported charitable and civic organizations serving our market territories and we continue to do so today. Our company is committed to our local communities and has been blessed to invest in the lives of people of all ages.
In order to be considered for a donation, the event taking place must be within our market territories (portions of Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming) and the request must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event date.
Coca-Cola Give is your new destination for donating to your community–from local schools to cause partners– through your favorite beverages from The Coca-Cola Company. Your donation to any accredited K-12 school of your choice will result in a quarterly payment to be used to purchase supplies for your school’s interest such as physical education, sports, technology, and/or, arts which will be designated by your school.
The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation believes that investing in students who are leaders, both academically and in service to others, will result in positive, lasting change and sustainable communities.
The Coca-Cola Keep America Beautiful Recycling Bin Grant Program supports recycling in communities and on college and university campuses by providing bins to selected grant recipients for the collection of beverage container recyclables.